Monday, January 14, 2013

Hi, name is Devon, I suffer from a lot of things.

Hi, my name is Devon, some of you have met me, some of you have met the facade I put on. The rude, ignorant and bashful person that comes out on those special days. The person that bottles how he feels and puts his anger with his own feelings towards somebody else. I'm a chronic asshole. I have probably said a lot of things to some of you that I wish I could take back, in fact I would say almost all negative things are something I would take back. I make people feel worse about themselves.

A project was recently assigned for my Health Education class: Do something for a month to try to change yourself in some way, or just do something new for a month just to do it. What I have chosen to do, is be more active in my blog as well as remaining physically active to see how the two would correlate.

Day 1 has led to a lot of mixed feelings, "Hey, I worked out" this is going to hurt in the morrow. Hey, I worked out, now society and others wouldn't put me in an overweight category. I started writing actively in the sports blog with the announcement of hockey, leaving my brain to do what it wants.

Day 2, didn't work out, wrote a blog in my anxiety section about people talking about school. (which is a pet peeve).
Day 3 - Did nothing,
Day 4- Nothing
Day 5 - Worked out wrote on sports,

Here I am, I don't know what day it is now. But it is a constant struggle to remain positive, I am learning a lot about myself. How cynical a person really is, and how to avoid the triggers of everyday life.

Hi, My name is Devon, I've been a chronic anxiety sufferer for about 2 years, I am becoming a better human being... I hope. There are moments where I do break, and become that individual  I spoke of. I was that person for 4 years. It is hard to break him completely.



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