Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Potpourri of feelings and metaphors.

Previously on Anger Boner posts, Devon got his patented anger boner over someone trying to diminish his ambition. With foresight and a different perspective Devon upheld his anger boner for longer than 4 hours and didn't consult a doctor. Huzzah.

Now, today I write this as a person who is probably going to commit way more grammar mistakes than he normally does. Cause it is a blog, so fuck grammar. This helps relieve tension. People have came forward and asked me how it helps me cope with my own psychological experiences. Putting my feelings and struggles into words is something I didn't think would help. Everyone should write a blog, or put their emotions into something that the world can see. I read more blogs now than I ever did. It helps me stay edgy and calm (2 different ends of the spectrum) but that's the point. I am at a balanced point. I see all walks of life. People open up to me, i speak with no shame or no censorship. If what you are complaining about is stupid. Well, transformers 2 is a good movie is the worst thing I've heard someone say. I said "hold on, Imma let you finish... But Michael Bay is a money-grabbing piece of shit."  It is all trivial in the end, whether you complain about wasting time, work, play, kids. It is all relative to your self-image. Those things become a part of you. You are on this Earth to get paid, reproduce, and try to make living easier. Most importantly make the lives of the people around you more pleasant.

My main reason for this certain post is to let you know more about my frustration, anger, and spiteful side. I'm 97/3 pessimism/optimism. I've adopted this from the people in my family, and just going through the motions of life. Optimism is a important thing, but at the same time it can absolutely cripple your brain if something goes awry. People have quit school, cried, or just called themselves stupid because the 80 percent they got wasn't the 90 they thought they should've gotten. I go into every exam/situation in life thinking if I can come out of this better than I went into it well, I am doing alright.

Failure is a learning tool, everyone has to fail at something. It is how you take that failure and adapt to your situation. Those people who "failed" their exam need to take it as a blessing.

Don't ever let anyone tell you because you didn't do well at one thing you are gonna shit the bed elsewhere. That's simply making a conclusion that has no relativity to your life.

When someone tells me I'm not going to do something, or do good at it. I have so much spite towards them that I work at it just to prove them wrong. Spite is a very motivating tool that not many people use it positively. I'd never physically hurt the person who said I am never gonna do something. I'd fucking do it to perfection and jump around them while eye of the tiger played in the background.

Fuck the haters. If you give them an inch into your thoughts they will pick it out and run with it. The very beginning of my 'stigma' started because those people who called me ugly or rejected me without ever knowing who I was caused me to dwell on my own character and appearance.

Caused much more cortisol to flow through, caused anxiety, caused laziness, and if I didn't break out of the funk probably would've caused obesity or death.

Metaphor time:
Ducks produce an oil in their tail glands. Sort of the equivalent to sweat. This oil coats the duck's feathers and allows them to float above the water but never soak up the water.. The water beads up and rolls off.

Be like the feathers of a duck, don't let people's judgments and insults soak into your brain. It affects you and your personality. You wear it on your face, on your posture, and the way you carry yourself.

Quack quack quack quack Mister Ducksworth.



Thanks to all who have kept reading. Expect a couple of comedic posts soon.

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