Monday, February 11, 2013

Tomorrow is Bell Let's talk day

Tomorrow is Bell Let's Talk, so lets talk. Shall we?

It is so much more than donating the 5 cents to mental health for every text. It is a message that should be carried year round. If someone is down, bring them back up with you. Don't let them sit in their funk. Eventually the anxiety and depression will consume them.

It is not worth the trouble to deal with anxiety alone. I don't know one person who has dealt with it completely isolated, without conversation. Without help.

I've been in the darkest days, I've been to the decision you have to make. I chose life. I chose to help myself last year. I will be posting a paper I wrote a couple weeks ago about my blog.

Those days suck, I needed someone to talk to. It didn't even have to be about my anxiety/depression. It didn't have to be about my poor mental health. It just needed to talk, sports, Tv, Media. Just to have someone listen is something you cannot put a price on it.

Life is fragile, the human brain is fickle. We are a social species. Don't ignore the people around you. No matter how awkward you are. Talk to me, talk to your parents, talk to your friends. Talk. You don't know how they are feeling from day to day. The power of a simple stop and chat is incredible. Talk about the weather. Sure I'm gonna mock you afterwards, but at least I had conversation and some connection.

So, Tomorrow is Bell Let's Talk.
So, Let's talk
Lets change lives, change the lives of the people around you. By using your mouth.
Contact me on twitter at @rikidus with the hashtag #bellletstalk or contact me via text. You can even point out every flaw I have and batter me with words. I don't care, conversate.

Best Regards,


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