Thursday, November 7, 2013


You are sitting there. On your phone, on your tablet, on your computer. You are looking at a screen, ever changing from page to page/app to app. Moving your finger is animation, allowing the body to move. The brain process behind hitting the home button is dynamic. The brain is dynamic. That is part of the issue with much of mental illness.

The brain is constantly thinking. All the while, everyone is looking for something to pacify. If you don't, you get ran over by the anxiety train. You might act on depression, you look for something to numb. Something stupid, funny, musical, or ironically something depressing. Something ever changing so your brain has to focus.

That is not always an option. I numb myself into video games. I write this blog as a way to numb myself and my thoughts. 

You are dynamic in an environment that is dynamic. 

This is necessary for everyday life - apart from the obvious reason of, if you aren't dynamic you are dead. But, if you live an existence where the exact same things happen everyday. It would become depressing and eventually drive you insane. 

I say "What else can go wrong?"

But, that is the beauty of life. If nothing went wrong, you gain no knowledge or experience from it all. You build no character from it. 

I need anxiousness in a strange way because it allows me to rationally think of why I am anxious. How I can prevent the anxiety and learn to cope. If it happens regularly and with the same gusto I would lose a sense of self. I could stop it, I would have no motivation. 

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