Friday, April 20, 2012

4/20, Legalization of Marijuana, and why I weep for society

Today is 4/20, as I did with St. Patrick's Day I figured I shall write a wonderfully timed blog. Get things out of the way, I weep for humanity and the struggle against drugs, or the disease itself. Today is also the day in which Bob Marley becomes completely relevant again, and not for writing uplifting music and changing a genre of music forever and turning out others.The people who are smoking today because it is an arbitrary day on the calender are downright sheepish. As harsh as that is it comes with reason, it fuels peoples needs to fit in with a societal demand that is inflected upon them. (really hope I used inflected right).

It becomes so much bigger than what it is, and with social media what it is. It is bringing more people into the light/dark.

All the power to you if you want to do it, safe, soundly and at a manageable pace. I am not one to judge you for it. You are probably too high right now to keep reading this. Now you are picturing me with a tophat. As well you should, because I would looking bad ass.

In California, you'd be amazed at how many people are sick by the amount of people who have legal licenses to smoke marijuana for medical reasons. Including Jim Belushi, and his only problem is the unfunny black mark he left on Comedies and an already dreadful Sitcom world. No other state has quite the output of these licenses. They have practically legalized it by loopholing the fuck out of Arnie. (FREEZE) Which is both a travesty and intelligent in many ways, it allows the government/medical community to not only traffic it intelligently, but run a substantial market off of it because it is pure, clean, and doesn't have unknown additives.

Which is also why Canada should legalize it. I don't give a shit about marijuana, nor do I have a reason to use it at any level, nor do I care what your reasons are to use it. As it stands, it has many logistical and rational reasons to use it. From glaucoma, extreme bouts of anxiety, and chronic pain. But, I doubt many people who use it recreation-ally know the health benefits, which are not deniable. Similar to smoking tobacco being healthy; however, it is only healthy for the individual if you know it is pure and not mixed with assorted health-risking microbes and foreign bodies.

Although it is basically legal in Canada, to the point in which people openly smoke a doobie doob right in the heart of downtown as if to say "come at me, bro". If actually legalized, the government could have control over the vast market and tax the shit out of it. Then, hopefully put it back into the medical community or for an ironic twist, education.

I would also want to argue my main point, and probably my annoyance is getting the better of me in my (honest) life. I don't want to walk around a neighborhood or past someone and pretend I don't smell the weed. You could even tell the authority and they would call you a pussy. It is about time they just pass it so we don't have to listen to this anymore. It has become so redundant they might as well beat you over the head with a bong. The media even seems at times it is putting on it's "Y U NO" face with the whole issue.

I also realize the Irony that I wrote this on 4/20. I am a sheep as well.


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