Friday, July 27, 2012

Weirdest Feeling I've had

For once in a long while I am in the middle ground of content and discontent.

It is a weird feeling, I don't feel much anxiety these days. Then some nights it flairs up like it used to. Haven't been depressed for awhile either. Life has balanced. I should be a hell of a lot more excited than I am now. Getting going with school, have a well-paying job. Albeit a very frustrating job, then again what job isn't. School is right around the corner, I am going to see Vancouver for the first time and help my brother move.

But, I feel meh right now. I don't have much interest in anything. sleep is lacklustre and very non-fulfilling.

July cannot be over fast enough, my whole life I have come to realize July is my least favorite month. Comes with many reasons; most notably the heat.

 Still feel like I can fail. Still feel like I can achieve what I want. Still feel very on edge about the whole concept of me entering a workplace that has so many flaws.

Thanks for reading this blog as well as the rest my friends and family.

Much love.

Best regards,


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ravid Dobb.

He's a bald man, goatee, for the longest time was referred to as Stone Cold Steve Austin from my friends.

States the obvious, always has something to say. Sometimes stubborn, loving and loves nickelback apparently.

This is my stepfather. I use Ravid Dobb as his alias. He's funny for all the different reasons other than telling jokes. All the weird phrases and mannerisms. Including seeing him running

He has stepped in without hesitation and with the mind frame that I and my brothers were his kids. I don't think I give him enough credit.

Last month he bought steaks for Fathers day to barbq. Ended up being the toughest steaks alive. I gave him credit for cooking the steaks and taking control of supper.

 He goes to the store whenever asked. He will help you with the best intentions regardless if it fails horribly.

For all intensive purposes he is my father.
I identify him as such when I talk to people about him.

Now for some stories.

Dallas used to play baseball in his youth. Me, Ravid, My mom were at his game. Thunderstorm came in heavy and stopped the game. This is when we had to run across the field to get to the car. This is the fastest I've seen Ravid run. He was like a gazelle on 3 cups of coffee. I was 6 with short stature I could not run as fast. But since I was first one up and running I was ahead of him. I distinctly remember thinking that he would run behind me and help me up if i tripped or help speed me along. He had other ideas. I did end up biffing it. Instead of helping me up off the ground he took 3 little steps and hurdled me as if I was a large puddle beside a curb. When I say hurdled he cleared me by at least 4 inches. Almost like he was running the 110m hurdles.

He stepped on a toothpick and hopped around for a solid 15 seconds and fell down like he just got shot.

He was swimming with me, my brother and cousin and wanted to show off his awesome cannonball skills. Ended up slipping on his way off the diving board and did the best belly flop I have ever seen.

So many more I cannot remember right now..

A twitter account has been made of all the little things he says.

Find it at @dobbisms . Sample: "Drier than a popcorn fart in a snowstorm"

Regards, Devon

Aaron Collins' story

Aaron is someone I do not know personally, but is an inspiration to me.

He had passed away a short time ago and left a will for his family. (he lived somewhere in Kentucky)

He had a bachelors degree and worked as a computer technician. He lived life a carefree as he good. Money was never the biggest deal to him. He had much sympathy to the people who make the country run (service industry). He always tipped well, helped whomever he could. He wanted to make a difference in those lives no matter how shitty the service was.

In his will he left a very short list of things. Any money in his account is owed back to his parents for any debt. Secondly, he had 500 dollars sitting for just one reason. He wanted to have his family go to a pizzeria to have supper. Pay the bill but leave the 500 dollars as a tip. In a band with his name, Website and saying thanks.

This man who gave so much in his life, and died early. Never held any ill-feelings and was well mannered. Never beat himself up over it or blamed anyone. Took it in stride and let it be.

Never looked at money like the only thing. That is something so hard to do in any situation. They also have a paypal up so more people can donate to this cause. When it reaches 500 dollars they will go leave it as a gratuity for someone else.

the website is , it also contains the first youtube video of the tip they had left. Great story, puts it all in perspective.



Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Student sued by Institution for studying too fast

I hope that link works, if not I hope you take the 2 seconds to read the story.

With how high tuition is getting, and is only getting hiked up I found this story particularly annoying.

He finished 11 semesters worth of work in 3 semesters. Which is absolutely insane.

Based on challenging courses and sitting in exams at the end of semesters without attending the class. He finished it all, with what people are speculating is a 4.0 gpa equivalent. One side the university is arguing that, he talked to people set up exams and interviews without contacting the heads of the departments. He finished those exams based on those practices. The university loses about 8 semesters worth of room and board, medical benefit charges, and the random surcharges. They are suing him for 3,500 euros or whatever they use.

Man, If I had the balls to do this I would feel like a badass. The university makes a very interesting point. But with all the bashing they get from students inside of the inner circles it is hard to feel sympathy. This year in Alberta tuition saw another hike.

I feel he should get away unscathed, free with his degree to earn a job. If anything the university should contact him to be a speaker to kids about working hard. Get people to want people to enjoy their study and experience the success. He would be a fantastic role model to people.

Keep living the dream Marcel Pohl. You stuck it to the university for the students across the world.

I plan to elaborate on this more, too tired now.

Good night, Regards,
