A black teen was shot dead and no justice is being served. That's quite the headline. But far, too common. The United States has been pretty consistent with this verdict. The teen was walking home from the store with a bag of skittles and an Arizona Iced Tea <3. Shot by a volunteer neighbourhood watch person. You know the people you are supposed to trust around the neighbourhood. Good people who earn a decent living and care about their communities apply and are granted this. However, how the gentleman who shot him was granted such a title is beyond me. A rumoured white supremacist with an agenda to remove the afro-american kids from his neighbourhood.
Carrying a gun without a license, as well as walking with a concealed weapon around a neighbourhood filled with children. I don't even think he is going to get slapped with that crime. He won't do time, and millions of people in the states as well as in Canada are very displeased by this. (including me)
The million hoodie march has been set ablaze throughout the states, from the Miami Heat's Lebron James getting his teammates to put on the hoodies and take a team photo.
The guy (whose name I could give a shit to know) pleaded self defense because Trayvon, had a hood over his head. Thus he assumed he was dangerous to his community. How you can bring correlation to any of that is beyond me.
But, this just doesn't happen in the states, or for one particular race. People who have gated themselves in their world and can't accept knowing someone who is of that race is ridiculously common. People I've known for a long time have told me if I looked more aboriginal they wouldn't have talked to me. That's just disgusting, and I'm not sure if people know the severity of that mentality to those around them. You cannot accept yourself so you take it out on people who are different and comfortable with who they are. But it will never be changed, only reduced if you are lucky.
All of that being said. Rest in Peace Trayvon Martin, a icon for minorities and the fight against stereotypes everywhere.
Devon Hunt
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Why I don't drink, DUI's and St Patrick's day.
Hello everyone, given that it is the day of the year when people have the largest excuse to drink, I figured I should write a blog post about it. Throughout the history of this day, i assume the DUI counter has gone up significantly, or at least I sincerely hope it has.
Nothing about it is funny, I can imagine my peers i attend school with, some of them will drink and drive. I would hope the Edmonton Police Service is out in full flight tonight. I want to see an astronomical number of people to be caught. It would ease my mind that these people who have 'earned' their license get it stripped off of them. If i had it my way, they wouldn't be eligible to get it back in their lifetime. That's a little too harsh in today's society, and especially in Canada. Cause why would the person have a reason to do it again, besides he only did it once. He gets more chances. People who have died because of drunk drivers never really got to live their life to the fullest. It was taken in the most selfish ways possible.
These people who have committed (in my opinion) 1st degree murder will probably get 5-10 years and get out after 3.
My stepfather has sustained long term injuries to his neck shoulder and back because he was rear-ended by a drunk driver about 12 years ago. A trip that me or my brothers were going to go on. But, we didn't and if we had, the sheer velocity of the woman who was drunk crumpled the back into nothing which would've crumpled us into nothing. It was basically just Ravid Dobb in a seat, inside of a box.
I really want them to stiffen the laws more so than they are now.
Please drink responsibly tonight folks, for I will not be drinking
Now, as to why I don't drink and why I have no want to drink.
I have people close to me who have battled alcoholism and people around me who have it but are unaware that it has become a problem. Watching their lives from my perspective is gut wrenching and the lives of their families from the affects of it. I would never want to put myself in that kind of condition, or my family/future children.
I also do not see any monetary value in drinking. The night ends with you drunk doing something stupid, eating what you hope is food. Wasting around 100-200 dollars if you can somewhat budget drunk. Then the next morning you are awoken in a almost comatose state. Bludgeoned with phone calls of all the stupid shit you did last night. Then you complain about being told what stupid shit you did. It should become a rule.
To the people who argue that their is benefits to having a drink once in a while and use it as an excuse. Please show yourself the door, far away from me. Although, it may help your stomach and boost your immune system (according to, I assume drunk scientists) to battle the sheer amount of Ethanol anyone consumes on a friday is never healthy to the body.
It will also affect your brain, even the morning after when the affects have wore off. Severely damage your kidneys and your liver, or lead to long-term affects that you are not prepared for. I.E. the children born from one night stands who have no support from the 2nd parent.
Have fun with friends, family, whomever you wish to party with. Do it responsibly, and don't talk about it the next day like you surprised anyone that you drank green beer.
Nothing about it is funny, I can imagine my peers i attend school with, some of them will drink and drive. I would hope the Edmonton Police Service is out in full flight tonight. I want to see an astronomical number of people to be caught. It would ease my mind that these people who have 'earned' their license get it stripped off of them. If i had it my way, they wouldn't be eligible to get it back in their lifetime. That's a little too harsh in today's society, and especially in Canada. Cause why would the person have a reason to do it again, besides he only did it once. He gets more chances. People who have died because of drunk drivers never really got to live their life to the fullest. It was taken in the most selfish ways possible.
These people who have committed (in my opinion) 1st degree murder will probably get 5-10 years and get out after 3.
My stepfather has sustained long term injuries to his neck shoulder and back because he was rear-ended by a drunk driver about 12 years ago. A trip that me or my brothers were going to go on. But, we didn't and if we had, the sheer velocity of the woman who was drunk crumpled the back into nothing which would've crumpled us into nothing. It was basically just Ravid Dobb in a seat, inside of a box.
I really want them to stiffen the laws more so than they are now.
Please drink responsibly tonight folks, for I will not be drinking
Now, as to why I don't drink and why I have no want to drink.
I have people close to me who have battled alcoholism and people around me who have it but are unaware that it has become a problem. Watching their lives from my perspective is gut wrenching and the lives of their families from the affects of it. I would never want to put myself in that kind of condition, or my family/future children.
I also do not see any monetary value in drinking. The night ends with you drunk doing something stupid, eating what you hope is food. Wasting around 100-200 dollars if you can somewhat budget drunk. Then the next morning you are awoken in a almost comatose state. Bludgeoned with phone calls of all the stupid shit you did last night. Then you complain about being told what stupid shit you did. It should become a rule.
To the people who argue that their is benefits to having a drink once in a while and use it as an excuse. Please show yourself the door, far away from me. Although, it may help your stomach and boost your immune system (according to, I assume drunk scientists) to battle the sheer amount of Ethanol anyone consumes on a friday is never healthy to the body.
It will also affect your brain, even the morning after when the affects have wore off. Severely damage your kidneys and your liver, or lead to long-term affects that you are not prepared for. I.E. the children born from one night stands who have no support from the 2nd parent.
Have fun with friends, family, whomever you wish to party with. Do it responsibly, and don't talk about it the next day like you surprised anyone that you drank green beer.
Monday, March 12, 2012
5 days of 'homelessness' and egoboosting and narcissism.
Hey, another 'charity' event or fundraiser, that raises 'awareness' and 'sorrow' from people watching it on the 'non-biased' global news stations.
Alright now that all of that sarcasm is out of the way.
In Edmonton, and wherever else they are doing this. They are running the 5 days of homelessness week thing. Where suburban people take a break from their leather couches and tempurpedic bed and go "live" outside of the university.
Armed with food, cellphones and pillows sleeping bags and extra blankets. They are trying to raise awareness of the situations that the homeless people of edmonton suffer through daily.
But, from my perspective they are pretty much slapping them and saying this shit ain't tough.
Nothing about this seems to raise awareness, in fact it angers me. Cause these kids are going to walk around with a swagger after these five days. These same kids and adults, who have stereotyped homeless for being addicted to something and most often using indian or native to be thrown into their views. Which is fair i suppose, as sad as it is for an aboriginal to post that a majority of homeless people are aboriginal.
These same adults that probably pass at least one homeless person a day. Whom ask for a couple bucks, in which they say why so you can go buy booze, mouthwash or lysol? These ignorant people who couldn't give a shit any other day besides these 5 so they can have some kind of self-fulfillment and self-esteem for the days to come. This is just a nice little thing they can put on a resume or tell their friends they are better than they are because they 'lived' like the homeless for 5 days. They even get politicians and sports stars to participate. Instead of these things, why not ask them to donate some of their fat paycheques directly to a homeless shelter.
Some of these homeless people were screwed by their job or their own situation and forced into it. Some of these people choose it, as a way to live without commitment really. The Homeless people found around our city are often interconnected in some way. Because, they have their own families that they comprised of getting to know the people who are left in the same predicament they are. Some of them even have a little money stored, don't wish to live in a house or find a job because it is his decision to do so. Most of them migrate west to Vancouver in the winter. They have their own culture as much as anyone else does.
The event is given much publicity, and one can only assume friends of the people participating often bring them food and whatever they can bring. Which again, a luxury that the homeless are not given. Cell-phones for entertainment. Oh and most of all, the ability to sleep on university grounds. Which also, the homeless are ticketed and kicked off of the grounds when they attempt to sleep there. They wouldn't have the slightest idea of what being homeless is.
A Toronto man had been homeless and bottle picked for decades. Had over a million dollars in a bank account that he never touched. He said he never wanted to live in a house and pay bills cause he was completely content with his 'family' on the streets with him.
Of course neither do I, but i'm sure that the homeless are not afforded the luxuries they are.
Good on them if any of that money actually makes it to the homeless shelters around the city.
I could go on, and I am an ass for posting this. I know it is true. But someone had to say something.
Alright now that all of that sarcasm is out of the way.
In Edmonton, and wherever else they are doing this. They are running the 5 days of homelessness week thing. Where suburban people take a break from their leather couches and tempurpedic bed and go "live" outside of the university.
Armed with food, cellphones and pillows sleeping bags and extra blankets. They are trying to raise awareness of the situations that the homeless people of edmonton suffer through daily.
But, from my perspective they are pretty much slapping them and saying this shit ain't tough.
Nothing about this seems to raise awareness, in fact it angers me. Cause these kids are going to walk around with a swagger after these five days. These same kids and adults, who have stereotyped homeless for being addicted to something and most often using indian or native to be thrown into their views. Which is fair i suppose, as sad as it is for an aboriginal to post that a majority of homeless people are aboriginal.
These same adults that probably pass at least one homeless person a day. Whom ask for a couple bucks, in which they say why so you can go buy booze, mouthwash or lysol? These ignorant people who couldn't give a shit any other day besides these 5 so they can have some kind of self-fulfillment and self-esteem for the days to come. This is just a nice little thing they can put on a resume or tell their friends they are better than they are because they 'lived' like the homeless for 5 days. They even get politicians and sports stars to participate. Instead of these things, why not ask them to donate some of their fat paycheques directly to a homeless shelter.
Some of these homeless people were screwed by their job or their own situation and forced into it. Some of these people choose it, as a way to live without commitment really. The Homeless people found around our city are often interconnected in some way. Because, they have their own families that they comprised of getting to know the people who are left in the same predicament they are. Some of them even have a little money stored, don't wish to live in a house or find a job because it is his decision to do so. Most of them migrate west to Vancouver in the winter. They have their own culture as much as anyone else does.
The event is given much publicity, and one can only assume friends of the people participating often bring them food and whatever they can bring. Which again, a luxury that the homeless are not given. Cell-phones for entertainment. Oh and most of all, the ability to sleep on university grounds. Which also, the homeless are ticketed and kicked off of the grounds when they attempt to sleep there. They wouldn't have the slightest idea of what being homeless is.
A Toronto man had been homeless and bottle picked for decades. Had over a million dollars in a bank account that he never touched. He said he never wanted to live in a house and pay bills cause he was completely content with his 'family' on the streets with him.
Of course neither do I, but i'm sure that the homeless are not afforded the luxuries they are.
Good on them if any of that money actually makes it to the homeless shelters around the city.
I could go on, and I am an ass for posting this. I know it is true. But someone had to say something.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
First comedic blogpost (Horoscopes)
Practice makes perfect, be the best that you can be.
You cannot reach the limits of possible without reaching the impossible.
"If you take these pills for 4 weeks you'll add an extra 5 inches to your cock."
Alright, maybe that last one is a stretch. Badumtsch.
I'm taking a light approach to this, people someone out there needs these quotes on a 1-a-day calender to get through their mundane 9-5 monday to friday job.
But, when someone posts them on these multiple social media platforms I am not entirely sure they know what the quote was intended for or whom it was intended for. They are posting it to feel smart, or show off their massive ego or bury some depression or angst that burrows inside them. I am all about being who you want to be and challenging yourself. But, if you are basing your daily actions off of a fucking inspirational quote. You need to find someone who betters you as well as challenges you.
These quotes are heavily found in what i like to call bullshi---- I mean horoscopes. The pseudoscientific freak show that is the whole Zodiac array. People wear shirts with their "sign", tell you what your horoscope for the day is, buy $3 dollar scrolls that tell you, "you are going to feel dumb today." I swear that is all I would write for every god damn one of them. It is no different in the paper. Besides, if a person used an ounce of reasoning, couldn't they piece together that horoscopes should match on a given day.
I mean they are so vague and uninformative it makes my eyes want to turn around and cockslap my brain for even reading one.
At Capital X this year, some old man... Probably days away from changing his own depends and catching the latest matlock had told me he had lived most of his life by his horoscopes. I will take this time to inform you, he cleans Northlands and was working as a volunteer at a horoscope booth there. If he hadn't called me "kid" to start the conversation I would've given him the time of day. If he's happy go for it but as a salesman he is about as useful as that awkward kid in your social group helping you collaborate to sound like a fucking jackass. You know who you are. (Me)

Part of me is an asshole for picking people apart for choosing quotes that logically make no sense and lead to a fallacy of security and inspiration; However, these people who choose these quotes couldn't even tell you who wrote them, what the person did or if the guy had ever said it.
"I never said most the things I said" Yogi Berra . Hall of fame catcher for the New York Yankees who now looks like a turtle in his old age.
People quote Nietzche and Plato and Steve Jobs, and Ron Jeremy.
One of those things is not like the other. Yes, it is Plato. Cause he is a fun dough to make shapes with. Herp Derp.
Please hesitate to post these asinine things, as I will see them and become the forever alone guy. Also, stop posting pictures of food like duck for instance. Or making duck faces cause someone could only wish you would become food.
This is my first comical post, if you wish to call it that.
You cannot reach the limits of possible without reaching the impossible.
"If you take these pills for 4 weeks you'll add an extra 5 inches to your cock."
Alright, maybe that last one is a stretch. Badumtsch.
I'm taking a light approach to this, people someone out there needs these quotes on a 1-a-day calender to get through their mundane 9-5 monday to friday job.
These quotes are heavily found in what i like to call bullshi---- I mean horoscopes. The pseudoscientific freak show that is the whole Zodiac array. People wear shirts with their "sign", tell you what your horoscope for the day is, buy $3 dollar scrolls that tell you, "you are going to feel dumb today." I swear that is all I would write for every god damn one of them. It is no different in the paper. Besides, if a person used an ounce of reasoning, couldn't they piece together that horoscopes should match on a given day.
I mean they are so vague and uninformative it makes my eyes want to turn around and cockslap my brain for even reading one.
At Capital X this year, some old man... Probably days away from changing his own depends and catching the latest matlock had told me he had lived most of his life by his horoscopes. I will take this time to inform you, he cleans Northlands and was working as a volunteer at a horoscope booth there. If he hadn't called me "kid" to start the conversation I would've given him the time of day. If he's happy go for it but as a salesman he is about as useful as that awkward kid in your social group helping you collaborate to sound like a fucking jackass. You know who you are. (Me)

Part of me is an asshole for picking people apart for choosing quotes that logically make no sense and lead to a fallacy of security and inspiration; However, these people who choose these quotes couldn't even tell you who wrote them, what the person did or if the guy had ever said it.
"I never said most the things I said" Yogi Berra . Hall of fame catcher for the New York Yankees who now looks like a turtle in his old age.
People quote Nietzche and Plato and Steve Jobs, and Ron Jeremy.
One of those things is not like the other. Yes, it is Plato. Cause he is a fun dough to make shapes with. Herp Derp.
Please hesitate to post these asinine things, as I will see them and become the forever alone guy. Also, stop posting pictures of food like duck for instance. Or making duck faces cause someone could only wish you would become food.
This is my first comical post, if you wish to call it that.
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